100k registrations of traders from Europe and Asia
XTrend Speed the Online Trading Platform’s Case
We attracted more than 6000 deposits for the trading platform
Hundreds of thousands of people use electronic platforms for traders all over the world. It’s getting both harder and more expensive to attract new users with increasing competition in this market. Only professionals can get exactly the right audience and not drain the budget. That is why XTrend Speed contacted Mobisharks for the app promotion in India, Vietnam, Malaysia, Spain, Italy and Portugal.
About the client XTrend Speed is a popular mobile trading platform for traders from more than 170 countries. Its services include trading stocks, currencies, cryptocurrencies and much more. Task Like any fast-growing company, XTrend Speed needed to get new customers who are ready to make deposits. Therefore, the Mobisharks team was given a task to attract to the mobile app on iOS and Android as many new users as possible, and at the same time the income from each user was set to be $5 on average. Decision Achieving the goal requires a lot of high-quality traffic at a bargain price. That is why we chose three advertising channels: Facebook, In-App platforms and Google UAC (Universal advertising campaign). Progress of work The advertising campaign lasted from July 2021 to April 2022. In Google UAC we used such formats as a banner, a text and a video. On Facebook a short video and a slideshow. The app promotion included five stages: